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Mark R. Basile, Esq.
Jun 23, 20224 min read
Social Media FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) and its Impact on OTC Company Stocks
Our firm has been provided with reports from a company that specializes in market surveillance of social media postings affecting OTC...

Eric J. Benzenberg, Esq.
Mar 29, 20224 min read
Why a CEO MUST Consult an Attorney Prior to Amending a “Choice of Law” Provision in a Contract
Most laws in our country don’t tend to differ much between states. In fact, it’s probably accurate to say that a majority of states’...

Marjorie M. Santelli Esq. and Christopher M. Basile, Esq.
Feb 27, 20228 min read
How RICO and the Adar Bays Decision Can Help Microcaps Recover Losses Caused by Toxic Lending
On October 14, 2021, the New York Court of Appeals issued its decision in Adar Bays. The Adar Bays decision put a major dent in the...

Eric J. Benzenberg, Esq.
Feb 18, 20223 min read
Toxic Lender's Stall Tactics Fail in Minnesota State Court
After commencing litigation against DarkPulse, Inc. in a Minnesota State Court, convertible note purveyor Carebourn Capital, L.P. has...
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